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Training and Service Options

Leadership RetreatTwo-day in-person leadership training and coaching session (6.5 hours per day). This training focuses on building awareness of leadership definitions and styles and mitigating the personal barriers to professional excellence. Relationship development components are woven throughout the two sessions. Contact us for pricing!
Leadership CoachingFollowing the Leadership Retreat, program staff at all levels of the organization may participate in individualized leadership coaching. Coaching reinforces the retreat learning experience while addressing real-life organizational challenges by applying practical, self-reflective, and conscious decision-making. (Most effective when combined with Leadership Retreat.) Contact us for pricing!
Organizational Development and Change Planning: RetreatTwo-day in-person learning session (6.5 hours per day). This training combines learning experiences and team-building activities to illustrate the benefits of incorporating multiple perspectives and a sense of community into organizational culture. Contact us for pricing!
Staff and Agency Wellness: Planning and ImplementationTwelve to Fifteen-month capacity building and organizational planning and development focused on building wellness into structures, systems, and responses. The consultants and key agency staff work collectively to generate sustainable cultural change. (Most effective when combined with the Organizational Development and Change Planning Retreat.) Contact us for pricing!
Male and Community Engagement Planning and ImplementationDesigned to support agencies in developing and sustaining internal and external relationships that improve organizational performance and community outcomes. The consultants conduct an assessment of current engagement activities, determine strengths and gaps, and use these outcomes to design training and improvement plans to leverage internal stakeholder knowledge and external partners. Contact us for pricing! Option 1 Three hour training on the structures and systems necessary to develop responsive and sustainable engagement programming. The training is beneficial for organizational leaders and service delivery staff. Option 2 Engagement Strategy Development and Implementation – Twelve to Fifteen Month Project that assesses current systems, designs change plans, and facilitates roll out and implementation for new or updated engagement planning. The consultants and key stakeholders will establish a relationship that promotes an organizational commitment to the change plan, shared vision statement, and intentional implementation.
Annual Self-Assessment (ASA) Development, Implementation, and FacilitationThe consultants partner with agency leadership to use ongoing monitoring outcomes, program goals, and programmatic needs to generate a targeted self-assessment tool. The ASA offering includes all resource development, scheduling, data collection, aggregation, analysis, and report submission. Contact us for pricing!
Focus Area One and Two Monitoring Preparation (Head Start Program Specific)Designed to support short and long-term review preparation planning. This offering is ideal when implemented well before a review to create federal monitoring-ready systems allowing programs to get and stay ready for Head Start Monitoring events. D.E.&C Consulting provides three unique offerings that can be used in isolation or combined for advanced preparation. Participants will understand the pre- and post-review review process, allowing them to prepare and implement high-quality services that reduce or eliminate potential findings. Contact us for pricing! Option 1 Six-Hour Focus Area One or Focus Area Two Training Event. Option 2 Six-Hour Focus Area One or Focus Area Two Training Event and Individualized Content Area Coaching on Data Analysis, Telling Data Stories, and Preparing for Data Tours. Option 3 Mock Monitoring Event: Participants Experience Real-Life Simulated Monitoring, Including Governance Discussions, Data Tours, Management Discussions, Staff Focus Group Discussions, and Ongoing Coaching and Finding Mitigation.
Monitoring Systems Analysis and Design/RedesignUnderstand the Challenges and Successes within your current Monitoring Systems or Design a Monitoring System from the ground up. The Consultants partner with agency stakeholders to assess and improve monitoring systems. Outcomes include monitoring plans, monitoring tool development and implementation, quantitative and qualitative analysis skill building, reporting monitoring outcomes, and using data to promote compliance and continuous quality improvement. Programs learn to develop cultures of collaborative inquiry and include all agency stakeholders in monitoring systems. Contact us for pricing! Typically 10 hours per month for 3-5 months
Head Start Program Performance Standards TrainingA six-hour learning session designed to promote awareness of the HSPPS intent and purpose. Participants will learn to differentiate between the letter of the law to the spirit of the law, helping them implement sustainable structures, systems, and response plans that meet and exceed the Office of Head Start expectations. Contact us for pricing!
Keynote SpeakingLaunch Pre-Service, In-Service, or special events with a dynamic, interactive, and inspiring staff engagement activity. Led by Dr. Del-Zio, keynote presentations offer a vibrant overview of Head Start through dedicated community service. Designed to remind staff of their great value and importance to organizational success, keynotespeeches inspire hope, commitment, and personal responsibility. Contact us for pricing!
Strategically Designed Professional SupportThis offering is for agencies that have unique challenges or are interested in combining multiple offerings to create a strategically designed consulting experience. The Consultants partner with agency stakeholders to understand organizational challenges, conduct gap analyses, and define risks and opportunities for improvement. D.E.&C Consulting uses this information to generate and implement research-based change plans in conjunction with key personnel. Contact us for pricing!
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